Find interpretations to an inscription - results 

The database currently contains 16 interpretations to the runsten, granit found in Årstad:

Inscription: h(iw)i(g)a? | s(a)ral(u) | (2-3?)wina(1?)[0-?] |  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | (u)?wina? |  
1. interpretation: Hiwiga? sar alu (U)ngwina?  
Translation: Hiwiga? (=the domestic one) - here aversion-charm - [grave] of Ungwini?  
[hide reading] [hide all] 
  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  McKinnell, John et al.  Runes, Magic and Religion. A Sourcebook. Wien 2004.  2004  graph.+photo  
  2  Düwel, Klaus.  Runenkunde. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart 1983.  1983  photo  
  3  Krause, Wolfgang.  Die Sprache der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1971.  1971  /  
  4  Düwel, Klaus.  Runenkunde. 1. Auflage. Stuttgart 1968.  1968  photo  
  5  Krause, Wolfgang, Herbert Jankuhn.  Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Göttingen 1966.  1966  graph.+photo  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | (u)?wina? |  
2. interpretation: Hiwiga? sar alu (U)ngwina?  
Translation: Hiwiga? (=the downy one) [carved] - here protection/taboo/aversion charm - [grave] of Ungwini?  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Düwel, Klaus.  Runenkunde. 2. Auflage. Stuttgart 1983.  1983  photo  
  2  Krause, Wolfgang.  Die Sprache der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1971.  1971  /  
  3  Düwel, Klaus.  Runenkunde. 1. Auflage. Stuttgart 1968.  1968  photo  
  4  Krause, Wolfgang, Herbert Jankuhn.  Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Göttingen 1966.  1966  graph.+photo  


Reading: hiwigaz | saralu | ekwina(i)[?] |  
3. interpretation: Hiwigaz Saralu ek win(e) ...  
Translation: Hiwigaz (=one with strong familial ties) for Saralu - I, for my friend (=spouse) ...  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Nielsen, Niels Åge.  Fra runesprog til nudansk. Studier og kommenterede tekster. Nordisk Institut. Aarhus Universitet 1984.  1984  photo  
  2  Antonsen, Elmer H.  A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions. Tübingen 1975.  1975b  /  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | ekwina(? 3-5?) |  
4. interpretation: Hiwiga? Saralu ek Winna(?) ...  
Translation: Hiwiga? (=the domestic one) and Saralu - I, Winna? (=the one who causes something, the rune-master) ...  
[hide reading] [hide all] 
  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  McKinnell, John et al.  Runes, Magic and Religion. A Sourcebook. Wien 2004.  2004  graph.+photo  
  2  Grønvik, Ottar.  Fra Vimose til Ødemotland. Nye studier over runinnskrifter fra førkristen tid i Norden. Oslo 1996.  1996  graph.+photo  
  3  Høst, Gerd.  Die Årstad-Inschrift - eine Neuwertung. In: Runor och runinskrifter, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, Konferenser 15, (ohne hg.). Stockholm 1987, 155-161.  1987  /  


Reading: hiwigaz | saralu | ekwina(i)[?] |  
5. interpretation: Hiwigaz Saralu ek win(e) ...  
Translation: Hiwigaz (=one with strong familial ties) - Saralu - I, for my friend (=spouse) …  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Antonsen, Elmer H.  On the mythological interpretation of the oldest runic inscriptions. In: Languages and Cultures: Studies in Honor of Edgar C. Polomé, (hg.) Jazayery, Mohammad Ali, Werner Winter. Berlin, New York, Amsterdam 1988, 43-54.  1988  photo  
  2  Antonsen, Elmer H.  A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions. Tübingen 1975.  1975b  /  


Reading: hi(w)iga? | saralu | (e)?wina? |  
6. interpretation: Hi(w)iga? sar alu (E)ngwina?  
Translation: Hiwiga? - here the funeral feast [takes place] - [grave] of Engwini?  
[hide reading] [hide all] 
  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Høst, Gerd.  Runer. Våre eldste norske runeinnskrifter. Oslo 1976.  1976  photo  
  2  von Grienberger, Theodor.  Rez. NIæR I, II, Indlendning. In: Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 168, Nr. 2, 1906, 89-163.  1906  /  
  3  Bugge, Sophus.  Norges Indskrifter med de ældre Runer I. Christiania 1891-1903.  1891-1903  graph.  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | (u)?wina? |  
7. interpretation: Hiwiga? sar alu ungwina?  
Translation: Hiwiga? (=the downy one) [carved] - here protection/taboo/growth - the young friend's [grave/stone]  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Klingenberg, Heinz.  Runenschrift - Schriftdenken - Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1973.  1973  graph.+photo  
  2  Krause, Wolfgang.  Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Halle (Saale) 1937.  1937  graph.+photo  


Reading: hiwigaz | saralu | ekwina[?] |  
8. interpretation: Hiwigaz Sarªlu ek Winna[z] …  
Translation: Hiwigaz - Sarªlu - I, Winnaz (=toiler, striver) …  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Antonsen, Elmer H.  Runes and Germanic Linguistics. Berlin, New York 2002.  2002b  /  
  2  Antonsen, Elmer H.  What Kind of Science is Runology? In: Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab Forhandlinger, 1995, 125-139.  1995  /  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | (2?)wina(1?) |  
9. interpretation: Hiwiga? Saralu ...  
Translation: Hiwiga? - Saralu ...  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Wimmer, Ludvig Frands Adalbert.  Die Runenschrift. Berlin 1887.  1887  graph.  


Reading: hişiga? | …  
10. interpretation: Hişi[n]ga? ...  
Translation: Hişinga? ...  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Høst, Gerd.  Runer. Våre eldste norske runeinnskrifter. Oslo 1976.  1976  photo  
  2  Marstrander, Carl Johan Sverdrup.  Rosselandssteinen. Universitetet i Bergen Årbok 1951. Historisk-antikvarisk rekke, 3. Bergen 1952.  1951/1952  photo  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | ii?wina? |  
11. interpretation: hi(u) i(k) (K)a?. saralu ... Ingwina?  
Translation: I, Ka?, cut/carved [this stone]. protected stone that was set under pain - ... Ingwina?  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Bugge, Sophus, Magnus Olsen.  Norges Indskrifter med de ældre Runer II. Christiania 1917.  1917  graph.+photo  
  2  von Grienberger, Theodor.  Rez. NIæR I, II, Indlendning. In: Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 168, Nr. 2, 1906, 89-163.  1906  /  


Reading: h(iw)i(g)a? | s(a)ral(u) | (şi?)wina? |  
12. interpretation: H(iw)i(g)a? s(a)r al(u) (Şing)wina?  
Translation: Hiwiga? [set] here a protected memortial - [this is] Şingwini?'s [grave]  
[hide reading] [hide all] 
  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Bugge, Sophus.  Norges Indskrifter med de ældre Runer I. Christiania 1891-1903.  1891-1903  graph.  


Reading: h(aw)iga? | saralu | …  
13. interpretation: H(aw)i(ng)a? Saralu ...  
Translation: Hawinga? - Saralu ...  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Burg, Fritz.  Die älteren nordischen Runeninschriften. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Berlin 1885.  1885  /  


Reading: hi(w)iga? | saralu | (şi)?wina(?) |  
14. interpretation: Hi(w)iga? sar alu (Şi)ngwina(?)  
Translation: Hiwiga? [set] here the memorial stone of Şingwini?  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Jóhannesson, Alexander.  Grammatik der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1923.  1923  /  


Reading: hiwiga? | saralu | şi?wina? |  
15. interpretation: Hiwiga? Saralu Şingwina?  
Translation: Hiwiga? for Saralu, [daughter] of Şingwini?  
[hide reading] [hide all] 
  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  von Grienberger, Theodor.  Rez. NIæR I, II, Indlendning. In: Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 168, Nr. 2, 1906, 89-163.  1906  /  


Reading: hiwigaz | saralu | ekwinaz |  
16. interpretation: Hiwigaz Saralu ek winaz  
Translation: Hiwigaz (=the husband) for Saralu - I, the friend  
[hide reading] [hide all] 
  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  McKinnell, John et al.  Runes, Magic and Religion. A Sourcebook. Wien 2004.  2004  graph.+photo  
  2  Looijenga, Tineke.  Texts and Contexts of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions. Leiden, Boston 2003 (=The Northern World, 4).  2003b  graph.+photo  
Opdateret d. 21.11.2009