Find interpretations to an inscription - results 

The database currently contains 1 interpretation to the kamfragment(?), ben found in Horvnes:

Inscription: a(a)llu[1-?] |  


Reading: a(a)llu[1-?] |  
1. interpretation: alu (a)l[u]  
Translation: success and fortune  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Hagland, Jan Ragnar.  Oppsiktsvekkjande nytt runefunn. In: Spor, 2/2005, 16-17.  2005  photo  
  2  Knirk, James E.  Nyfunn og nyregistrering 2003. In: Nytt om Runer, 19, 2004, 16-18.  2004  graph.  


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