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The database currently contains 17 interpretations to the runsten, granit found in Tune:

Inscription: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto[0-?] | [2-4?](1-2?)woduride ' staina[0-7?] | [0-?]ū(r)ijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbija(1-2?)joste?arbijano |  

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Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' (r)[?] | (2?)?woduride ' staina ' | ū(r)ijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbija(r)joste?arbijano |  
1. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto (r)[uno?]. (me)? Woduride staina ū(r)ijo? dohtri? dalidun arbij[a] a(r)joste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa? (=the consecrated one, the consecrator), made [the runes] after Wodurida? my lord. For me, Wodurida?, three daughters prepared the stone, [but] the most distinguished ones of the heirs [prepared] the funeral meal.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Sundqvist, Olof.  Freyr's offspring. Rulers and religion in ancient Svea society. Uppsala 2000. [2. Aufl. 2002.]  2000 [2002]  /  
  2  Marchese, Maria Pia.  'Ego' nel formulario delle rune. In: Studi linguistichi e filologici per Carlo Alberto Mastrelli, (hg.) Agostiani, Luciano et al., Pisa 1985, 247-261.  1985  /  
  3  Krause, Wolfgang, Herbert Jankuhn.  Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Göttingen 1966.  1966  graph.+photo  


Reading: (4?)rwoduride | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' r(?) |  
2. interpretation: (afte)r Woduride staina (satidun) ūrijo? dohtri?. dalidun arbija sijoste? arbijano. ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto r(uno?).  
Translation: (After) Wodurida? three sisters (set) the stone. The closest of the [male] heirs held the funeral-feast. I, Wiwa?, made the r(unes) after Wodurida?, the bread-giver.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Nielsen, Niels Åge.  Fra runesprog til nudansk. Studier og kommenterede tekster. Nordisk Institut. Århus Universitet 1984.  1984  photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' (r)[?] | (?)?woduride ' staina ' | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijarjoste?arbijano |  
3. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto ... . ... Woduride staina ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija arjoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa? (=the consecrated one, the consecrator), after Wodurida?, the bread-ward, wrought ... . [For me?], Wodurida?, the stone three daughters prepared - the inheritance most noble of inheritances.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Smith, Jesse Robert.  Word Order in the Older Germanic Dialects. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Diss. 1971.  1971  /  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' [?] | [?]h ' woduride ' staina ' | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano |  
4. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto [runo?]. [fal]h Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija asijoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, made [the runes] in memory to Wodurida? witandahĒlaiba?. I commited the stone to Wodurida?. Three daughters prepared the funeral feast, the ones closest to the god/the kindest of heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Spurkland, Terje.  Norwegian Runes and Runic Inscriptions. Woodbridge 2005. [Übersetzung von Spurkland 2001]  2005a  graph.+photo  
  2  Spurkland, Terje.  I begynnelsen var [futhark]. Norske runer og runinnskrifter. Oslo 2001.  2001  graph.+photo  


Reading: ekwiwazafterwoduri | dewitadahalaibanworahto | [?]zwoduridestaina | ūrijozdohtrizdalidun | arbijarjostezarbijano |  
5. interpretation: ek Wiwaz after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto. [...]z Woduride staina ūrijoz dohtriz dalidun arbijarjostez arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, produced [this] after Wodurida? (=the furious rider), the bread-ward. ... for Wodurida? prepared three daughters the stone, the most legitimate ones of the heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Antonsen, Elmer H.  Die ältesten Runeninschriften in heutiger Sicht. In: Germanenprobleme in heutiger Sicht, (hg.) Beck, Heinrich. Berlin, New York 1986, 321-343.  1986  /  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' (r)[4?] | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbija(s)ijoste?arbijano | (ūri)?woduridestaina[7?] |  
6. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto (r)[uno?]. ūrijo? dohtri? dailidun arbija. (s)i[b]joste? arbijano (ūri)? Woduride staina [satidun].  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, made the runes after Wodurida?, the bread-ward. Three daughters held the funeral-feast. The three closest (male) relatives of the heirs (=their husbands) set the stone for Wodurida?.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Johnsen, Ingrid Sanness.  Kan runeinskrifter bidra til å belyse kvinnens stilling i det førkristne Norden? In: Arkiv för Nordisk Filologi, 84, 1969, 38-55.  1969a  /  


Reading: ekwiwazafter ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' | [2?]zwoduride ' staina ' | ūrijozdohtrizdalidun | arbijarjostezarbijano |  
7. interpretation: ek Wiwaz after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto. [me]z Woduride staina ūrijoz dohtriz dalidun arbijarjostez arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwaz, wrought [the inscription] after Woduridaz, the bread-ward. For me, Woduridaz, three daughters, the most legitimate-to-inherit of heirs, prepared the stone.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Antonsen, Elmer H.  A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions. Tübingen 1975.  1975b  /  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' wohrato[?] | [?](h ') woduride ' staina ' | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano |  
8. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto [runo/?], [fal](h) Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija asijoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, made the rune/s Wodurida?, the Warranter of Bread, dedicated the stone to Wodurida?. Three daughters made the funeral feast pleasant, the most lovable of the heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Grønvik, Ottar.  Enda en gang om Tuneinnskriften. In: Maal og Minne, 1998, 35-40.  1998b  photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' wohrato(1?)[?] | (me)?woduride ' staina | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano |  
9. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto (r)[uno?]. (me?) Woduride staina ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija ansijoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa? (=the consecrated one), made these runes (=inscript./ritual) after Wodurida? (=the furious rider), the bread-keeper. For me, Wodurida?, three daughters prepared the stone, the inheritance meal, [though], the most godly ones of the heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Høst, Gerd.  Runer og hedenskap i gamle Norge. In: Samtiden, 86, 1977, 437-448.  1977  /  
  2  Høst, Gerd.  Runer. Våre eldste norske runeinnskrifter. Oslo 1976.  1976  photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto(1?)[?] | (3? h)woduride ' staina | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano |  
10. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto (w)[aru]. (falh) Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija sijoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, made this monument after Wodurida?, the bread-keeper. [I, Wiwa?] dedicated the stone to Wodurida?. Three daughters prepared the funeral meal, as the most closely related ones of the heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Høst, Gerd.  Runer og hedenskap i gamle Norge. In: Samtiden, 86, 1977, 437-448.  1977  /  
  2  Høst, Gerd.  Runer. Våre eldste norske runeinnskrifter. Oslo 1976.  1976  photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' (r)[?] | [?]?woduride ' staina ' [0-?] | [0-?]ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbija(si)josterarbiano |  
11. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witadahalaiban worahto (r)[uno?]. ... [me]? Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija a(si)joste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa? (=the consecrated one) worked [runes] after Wodurida? (=the furious rider). ... the stone for me Wodurida?. Three daughters prepared the funeral-feast, those who are closest to the god (=Woden).  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Klingenberg, Heinz.  Runenschrift - Schriftdenken - Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1973.  1973  graph.+photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?afte? ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' (r)[?] | [?]?woduride ' staina ' | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijarjoste?arbijano |  
12. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto (r)[uno?]. … Woduride staina ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija arjoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, for Wodurida?, [my] lord, made the r[unes]. ... three daughters prepared the stone for Wodurida?, [but] the most distinguished of the heirs the inheritance meal.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Krause, Wolfgang.  Die Sprache der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1971.  1971  /  


Reading: ekwiwa?afterwoduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto[?] | (?)?woduride ' staina | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijorjoste?arbijano |  
13. interpretation: ek Wiwar after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒhto [runo?]. (me)? Woduride staina ūrijo? dohtrir dalidun arbija [a]rjoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, made [the runes in memory] of Wodurida?, the bread-giver. For me, Wodurida?, three daughters prepared the stone, [they prepared] the funeral feast, the most noble of the heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Musset, Lucien.  Introduction ā la runologie. Paris 1965.  1965  graph.+photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto | [3?](h)woduride ' staina ' | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano |  
14. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witanda-hĒlaiban worĒhto [fal](h) Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija asijoste? arbijano  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, composed [the inheritance/funeral poem] for Wodurida?, the Warranter of Bread, dedicated the stone to Wodurida?. Three daughters made the funeral feast pleasant, the most lovable of the heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Sundqvist, Olof.  Freyr's offspring. Rulers and religion in ancient Svea society. Uppsala 2000. [2. Aufl. 2002.]  2000 [2002]  /  
  2  Resi, Heid Gjøstein.  Gravplassen Hunn i Østfold. Oslo 1986.  1986  /  
  3  Grønvik, Ottar.  Runene på Tunesteinen. Alfabet. Språkform. Budskap. Oslo et al. 1981.  1981  graph.+photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?after ' woduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto ' [bi] | [fal](hk) ' woduride ' staina ' | ūrijo?dohtrirdalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano |  
15. interpretation: ek Wiwar after Woduride witanda-hĒlaiban worĒhto. [bifal](hk) Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtrir dalidun arbija asijoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, composed [the poem] for Wodurida?, who provides the bread. I dedicated the stone to Wodurida?. Three daughters made the funeral feast pleasant, the very lovable heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Grønvik, Ottar.  [Ottar Grønvik: Runene på Tune-steinen. Alfabet. Språkform. Budskap (1981). Doktordisputas ved Universitetet i Oslo 9. april 1983. Svar fra doktoranden.] In: Maal og Minne, 1984, 49-71.  1984  /  


Reading: ekwiwa?afterwoduri | dewitadahalaiban ' worahto (r)[?] | ūrijo?dohtri?dalidun | arbijasijoste?arbijano | (ūali?) ' woduridestaina [?] |  
16. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witada halaiban worahto (r)[uno?]. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija sijoste? arbijano. (Ūali?) Woduride staina [satide].  
Translation: I, Wiwa?, after Wodurida?, the bread-giver, wrote the runes. Three daughters, the closest of heirs, held the funeral feast. Ūali? set the stone for Wodurida?.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Moltke, Erik.  Rez. Grønvik 1981. In: Fortid od Nutid, 31, 1984, 20-32.  1984  graph.+photo  


Reading: ekwiwa?afterwoduri | dewitadahalaibanworaht(o ' ?) | [?]?woduridestaina | ūrijo?dohtrirdalidun | arbijasijoste?arbjano |  
17. interpretation: ek Wiwa? after Woduride witandahĒlaiban worĒht(o) ... . [ee]? Woduride staina. ūrijo? dohtri? dalidun arbija asijoste? arbijano.  
Translation: I. Wiwa?, wrought [the runes (=the inscription)] for Wodurida?, who provides the bread. [I, Wiwa?,] honoured Wodurida? with a stone. Three daughters made the funeral feast pleasant, the most lovable of heirs.  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Grønvik, Ottar.  Kann de gamle runeinskrifter fortelle oss noe om begravelsesriter og om kontakten med de døde i førkristen tid i Norden? In: Myte og ritual i det førkristne Norden: Et symposium, (hg.) Schjøldt, Jens Peter et al. Odense 1994, 41-62.  1994c  /