Find interpretations to an inscription - results 

The database currently contains 6 interpretations to the runhäll found in Veblungsnes:

Inscription: ek(1?)rila?wiwila(1?) |  


Reading: ekirila?wiwila(1?) |  
1. interpretation: ek Irila? Wiwila  
Translation: I, the Irila? Wiwila  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Marchese, Maria Pia.  'Ego' nel formulario delle rune. In: Studi linguistichi e filologici per Carlo Alberto Mastrelli, (hg.) Agostiani, Luciano et al., Pisa 1985, 247-261.  1985  /  
  2  Klingenberg, Heinz.  Runenschrift - Schriftdenken - Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1973.  1973  graph.+photo  
  3  Krause, Wolfgang.  Die Sprache der urnordischen Runeninschriften. Heidelberg 1971.  1971  /  
  4  Krause, Wolfgang, Herbert Jankuhn.  Die Runeninschriften im älteren Futhark. Göttingen 1966.  1966  graph.+photo  
  5  Musset, Lucien.  Introduction à la runologie. Paris 1965.  1965  graph.+photo  


Reading: ekirila?wiwilan |  
2. interpretation: ek Irila? Wiwilan  
Translation: I [am] the Irila? of Wiwila  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Andersen, Harry.  Runeindskriften på Veblungsnes fjeldvæg. In: Norsk Tidsskrift for Sprokvidenskap, 27, 1973, 141-157.  1973b  /  


Reading: ek(e)rilazwiwilan |  
3. interpretation: ek (E)rilaz Wiwilan  
Translation: I, the Erilaz of Wiwila  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Antonsen, Elmer H.  Runes and Germanic Linguistics. Berlin, New York 2002.  2002b  /  
  2  Antonsen, Elmer H.  A Concise Grammar of the Older Runic Inscriptions. Tübingen 1975.  1975b  /  


Reading: ekirila?wiwilan |  
4. interpretation: ek Irila? Wiwilan  
Translation: I, the Irila? of Wiwila  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Makaev, É[nver] A[chmedovic].  The Language of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions. A Linguistic and Historical-Philological Analysis. Stochholm 1996. [Übersetzung von Makaev 1965].  1996 [1965]  /  
  2  Høst, Gerd.  Runer. Våre eldste norske runeinnskrifter. Oslo 1976.  1976  photo  


Reading: ekirilazwiwila |  
5. interpretation: ek Irilaz Wiwila  
Translation: I, the Irilaz Wiwila  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Looijenga, Tineke.  Texts and Contexts of the Oldest Runic Inscriptions. Leiden, Boston 2003 (=The Northern World, 4).  2003b  graph.+photo  


Reading: eirila?wiwila |  
6. interpretation: Eirila? Wiwila  
Translation: Eirila? (=jarl), son/descendant of Wiwa?  
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  No. Author Title Year Image 
  1  Bugge, Sophus.  Veblungnæs-Indskriften. In: Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 1872, 192-196.  1872  /  
  2  Bendixen, B. E.  Runebjerget ved Veblungsnæs. In: Aarbøger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, 1872, 185-191.  1872  graph.  

Opdateret d. 21.11.2009